Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Words Cannot Express!

Last evening for around 5 hours I spent dinner and the evening at a restaurant in Dallas, Texas with two people I wish you all could sit down with! Don and ChaplainRoy are two guys that words CANNOT describe! The FREEDOM these two kids of God offer to ALL is so infectious and enlightening I am just in AWE of how Father has allowed me to meet these two! Again words CANNOT say what I experienced last evening! I was like a kid in a candy store listening to these two men. It was Christmas morning come early! The gift of Grace and Peace that they opened and laid before me was FANDAMNTASTIC!
It was the first time we have met but from the time I opened my Hotel room door until 5 hours later when I returned to it I knew I was with people who were of like mind. Now when I say like mind I am not talking about agreeing on every point. But I am talking about people who only seek to uplift and free captives! And free me they did as we talked of the love of our Father that is in Jesus. So my hope for the people who read this blog is that someday you too will get to meet these two men of FREEDOM!
Thanks again Don and Chappy for the fellowship.



Blogger chaplainroy said...

Geo, it was just like "church" was meant to be...freedom from fear and full of grace and peace.

When I think of all the years of trying to please "God" and finding out that He was already pleased 2000 yrs ago. I believe the religious years were the contrast and bondage I needed to experience the thrill now of knowing the truth. (ie. that Jesus really did turn water into merlot)

11:23 AM  
Blogger Don said...

Wow!! What an evening... It was absolutely great to share with you. Now I want to meet with Bruce, SteveW, and Geo together. No sure I could handle it. George, you're a great listener as well as sharer of grace. I look forward to our next time together. I talked with Chaplain this morning for 15 minutes. We're planning a heretics convention! Right! The movement has begun. It is a movement, right?He, he.... It's is amazing how our stories are so similiar. Fellowship with fellow "heretics" is so important. It confirms what we have found to be the truth. Hurry back my friend.......

12:59 PM  
Blogger SteveW said...

Yep freedom or liberty is what the jubilee was all about.....all debts cancelled and all slaves free. The only difference is the Jewish jubilee was but for 50 years...a mere shadow. This one is for ever.

Glad you guys had such great fellowship.

10:26 PM  
Blogger Mama T said...

Makes me want to meet you guys too! And of course you Geo! And Bruce and ......
Glad you had such a blessed time...

7:36 AM  
Blogger Mama T said...

ps. where in Dallas? We used to live in the Carrollton area....

7:36 AM  
Blogger Geo said...

We had dinner in Addison at "On The Border"


9:22 PM  
Blogger Mama T said...

That's not too far from where we lived... Wow.. That's good to know that when we're in the area that there could be folks to hook up with... Cool...

5:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These two guys are AWESOME!
If you guys get down that way let me know and I will give you their contact info


7:02 PM  

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