Thursday, November 09, 2006

More Failure Coming

My test has begun; watch me. I will try to prove myself faithful.
Gayle Haggard

More proof that failure is still coming to the Haggard Family.
I wish I could talk to Gayle Haggard and tell her to CEASE trying to prove herself "faithful" because she in the end will not be! Now you may say how do I know this? Because NONE ARE FAITHFUL Except Jesus! Only when she comes to the END OF HER FAITH will she then find Faith and it is not hers but Jesus Faith.

Thank God that I quit trying to prove myself faithful and now embrace the faith of Him!



Blogger SteveW said...

We all fail but thank God...He didn't.

It is too bad that Christianity is always causing people to think that they have to prove themselves....and these were some of the highest respected leaders that think this way.


8:12 PM  
Blogger bruced said...

It amazes me how the most informed people around (supposedly), just don't get it. They should just forget about christianity and become jews. Know what I mean? At least they'd be honest in their religious practices.

10:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said Geo. I can remember when I was in the conservative church that most of the men praying would end their prayer with "If I be found faithful, give me a home in heaven". They didn't realize that outside of Christ no one is found faithful.


12:10 AM  
Blogger Geo said...

Is it respect or is it fear? Hmm?
They are taught if they don't respect or as I look at it FEAR the leader then God's wrath will be on them and their families. More BULLSHIT!

That is exactly what my wife tells me all the time! That christians want people to become Jews first. The problem is that they want people to STAY Jews and follow all the rules and laws that they themselves believe make them righteous!

If these types would realize that their faithfulness is FILTY RAGS! Only His Faith will endure! Only His Faithgives rest and peace to the heart & soul!


7:40 AM  
Blogger Geo said...

Is it respect or is it fear? Hmm?
They are taught if they don't respect or as I look at it FEAR the leader then God's wrath will be on them and their families. More BULLSHIT!

That is exactly what my wife tells me all the time! That christians want people to become Jews first. The problem is that they want people to STAY Jews and follow all the rules and laws that they themselves believe make them righteous!

If these types would realize that their faithfulness is FILTY RAGS! Only His Faith will endure! Only His Faithgives rest and peace to the heart & soul!


7:40 AM  
Blogger Trailady said...

You are SOOOO right on this, my friend.

All the good intentions in the world are only filthy rags and can unravel.

In Christ alone, we must put our trust.

4:58 PM  

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