Saturday, December 23, 2006


I posted this as a response over on IN SEARCH OF LIFE

Do we follow ALL of the Law in the church today? Remember there are over 600 of them! Did we cease to follow any even one? If so then according to Jesus himself ALL HAS BEEN Fulfilled and heaven and earth DID PASS AWAY. THE HEAVEN & EARTH THAT HE WAS TAKING ABOUT WAS THE ONE THAT RELATED TO GOD THROUGH LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS in order to be Righteous. The reason religious people cannot see this NEW HEAVEN AND EARTH is because they still try to relate to God through Moses and what they do instead of what Jesus DID! Christianity today is VERY Worldly and Fleshly! Worldly and Fleshly is not sex,drugs and rock n’ roll but Worldly and Fleshly and Carnal is relating to God through our actions and deeds and not through the body of Christ!
So I say as Paul did, “Come out from among them and be separate”! Stop trying to relate to God through your actions and start relating to Him trough The Finished Work of The Cross

So you who call yourself "Christian", Are you WORLDLY & CARNAL ? or did Jesus Finish His Work?



Blogger SteveW said...

Having begun in the Spirit are we now perfected by the flesh????


12:48 PM  
Blogger Tom Reindl said...

One of the things I have been realizing is that the Law was written to the Jews. I guess that means it applied to the Jews, just as "Scripture" was written by Jews for Jews. I am not a Jew. I don't know if I am right in thinking this, but it seems to me the law never applied to us in the first place; at least not the jewish law. Yet ,many Christians make themselves beholden to that same law even today.

I mingle with them to share freedom, and if they reject me, at least Christ has not rejected them. But it's not just Christians who are in jail. Almost everyone I meet, regardless of faith or not, is beholden to some sort of self-imposed law by which they judge themselves. The best I can do is love them as they find out differently.

Happy Christmas, Geo!

3:28 PM  
Blogger Trailady said...

The work our my behalf is complete and after years of trying to be perfect, I'm ready to REST in Jesus!!

4:34 AM  
Blogger bruced said...

That really is the key to Life! Understanding that God reached out to us so that we no longer HAVE TO struggle to connect with Him. If we can only realize in our hearts that He did it all, and our only part in that relationship is to "enjoy it", our minds would begin being saved from our that which plagues us... which is, US!

11:36 AM  

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