Sunday, December 24, 2006

My Response

The following was my response to Trailady from her comment on this post.
I thought it needed it's own post.........

Hey T,
The movie is.... Cool Hand Luke
Yes we will remember you to Father in our conversations with Him.

As far as "your" faith goes do yourself a favor and let go of any and all of "your" faith! Because "your" faith will ALWAYS FAIL! Rest in the Faith OF Jesus not your faith IN Jesus.
He was and IS our High Priest. Do you remember in the Old Testament where when the High Priest made the yearly sacrifice for sin? What did God look at in that sacrifice? Did God look at the individual or did he look at the High Priest in order to decide if it was acceptable? And the sacrifice that the High Priest made did God look at the people to see if they were perfect or did He look at the sacrifice to see if it was perfect? And if the High Priest was acceptable and the sacrifice was perfect then God accepted it and it rolled back the sin of the people for 1 year. And when the High Priest came out with the blood did he sprinkle ALL of the people or only a few who asked? NO he sprinkled ALL. Now we have a GREATER High Priest and He is perfect and his Sacrifice and blood was spread on ALL for ALL Time regardless of their participation or acceptance of it.

As far as you being a Heretic I have some what you may consider to be bad news...... YOU ARE A HERETIC! Read here...

But I also have GOOD NEWS for you.... JESUS was a Heretic too! So you are in GOOD Company! I know all to well the tenets of The SDA Organization as I attended one of their schools for the first 6-7 years of my life. Also alot of my cousins are still in the SDA.
When they quote Jesus remember this... Jesus was teaching the Law perfectly to JEWS NOT GENTILES! And when NO ONE could live up to those Laws He went to the Cross and took ALL of them with Him. Now when He died The Law died! The Law WAS NOT RESURRECTED WITH HIM! No matter what they say! If the Law is in effect then Jesus was an incomplete sacrifice! Teaching people that they must do anything in order to gain favor with or stay in relationship with God is ANTI-Christ Doctrine! Lawmen have made as Paul says, Grace of NO EFFECT.

I understand your hurt and how the church was once your whole life. It was for me and my family too. It takes time to detox from religion and to discover Jesus alone apart from what you think, say or do. It has been 5 years since we left institutional Christianity and still sometimes today old ways and thoughts try to capture me away from Jesus and His Grace Alone. But He is faithful and will complete that which He has started in you.

One of the people that has helped me understand The Gospel that the Apostle Paul preached is Mike Williams. If you would like to hear some of the most clear teachings of Grace fulfilled send me your snail mail address here......
watercarriers at comcast dot net

And I will mail you a DVD with over 200 of his talks on the finished work of the Cross.



Blogger Tom Reindl said...

Geo, you are a good man.

TrailLady, may you find the hope you need, and become beyond the need for ritual and Law. You are already, whether you know it or not. The realization of it all is your salvation.

Good hope to you.

Merry Christmas Geo!!! :)

7:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trailady, Geo has given you some good advice and if I were you I would take him up on the offer of the Mike Williams CD.

Merry Christmas Geo and family. May God bless you richly in the year to come.


10:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Cliff!
May you be filled with the joy that is Him this day also.
As far as my advise being good.... I must say after thinking that statement over I WOULD AGREE with you! hahaha!
No really anyone who would want the same just send me your snail mail address at
watercarriers at comcast dot net and I will send it to you.


9:54 AM  
Blogger Don said...

PGot to have all of them. Consider me on your list.

4:19 PM  

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