Friday, February 09, 2007

A Message For You

Father & Son Here:

We are here to ask you a favor….something we’ve never done before… and it’s a really BIG ONE…

PLEASE……………just be you… today, this week, for the rest of your life…. Just be YOU. Not that you haven’t been, but We know of how impatient you sometimes get… We know of how much you want… and We know that you sometimes doubt – yourself, life, even the MAGIC that now surrounds you……

Well… don’t be impatient, ALL THINGS will be yours in time… keep hold of your dreams, they’re yours to remind you of what’s possible… and please, know that you are SO on track and that “WE” are so proud of you, just as you are!

Just be you, because if you only knew of how much this would mean… to all whose lives you touch, and for the difference you WILL make… there is no other “way” We would want you to be. We are your biggest fans.

God The Father

Jesus The Son


Blogger SteveW said...

I'll take that as a sure word of prophesy.

Great post. It reminds me of the chapter in Wayne's book "He Loves You" titled "Trying to Earn Points With Someone Who is No Longer Keeping Score".

In over...we win. Just take a deep breath, everyone, and celebrate the victory and Life in God.....continually and BE thankful for who you are.

8:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geo, Once I let God the Father peel away all my masks I began to really like what he had done underneath them. I think I like myself...WOW what a revelation. Good Post Geo.

1:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I adapted it from something I found here


8:22 AM  
Blogger SteveW said...

The oath is pretty cool.

9:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tomorrow's lesson: how to figure out how to be YOU. because let's face it, most people don't even know where to begin on that one. What freedom would come from that simplicity!! Love this post.

5:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You my Ninja friend are way ahead of the curve! Everytime I read your blog I see a person who is becoming more and more aware of the Light that is within!


8:43 AM  
Blogger bruced said...

That's truly a "thus sayeth the Lord!"

4:27 PM  

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